Other Services

Management of Chronic Disease

This encompasses a wide range of conditions which require regular treatment and care. Our priority is to ensure this care is up to date and patient centred. We endeavour to review patients’ medication regularly with a mandatory yearly medication review. Diabetes, Stroke, CHD, Hypertension, COPD and Asthma reviews are regularly performed in the practice as required, throughout the year, and in accordance with local and NICE guidelines.

General Nursing Care

Our nurses provide wound care, contraceptive services, minor illness care and advice, smoking cessation advice, well person checks, new patient checks, blood pressure monitoring and travel advice. They also perform routine immunisations, ear syringing, ECGs and cervical smears.

Maternity Services

Dr. Nana Oppong and Dr. Sobana Anandarajah provide antenatal and postnatal care.

Cervical Screening

These are performed by our practice nurses by appointment. If you are a woman aged between 20-64, we strongly advise you to have regular cervical smears – three yearly between ages 25-50 and five yearly between 51-64. Cervical smear tests are intended to detect early changes that could lead to cancer of the cervix. Approximately 1000 women in the UK still die from cancer of the cervix each year. Early treatment can prevent these deaths. Regular cervical smears help us diagnose early problems that are easily treated and thus save lives. Please make an appointment with a practice nurse for a smear in the middle part of your menstrual cycle – ideally days 10-14.

Family Planning and Contraceptive Services

This is provided by Doctors and Nurses. Nurses are able to provide follow-up contraception monitoring for all methods initiated by the Doctor. Dr. Sobana Anandarajah provides IUD, IUS and implant fitting service.
We also carry out testing for Chlamydia where appropriate.

Child Health Surveillance

Baby 8 week checks are held by Dr. Nana Oppong. The immunisations are carried out by the practice Nurses.

Vaccinations and Immunisations

Mersham Medical Practice strongly supports the childhood immunisation programme. All routine childhood immunisations are performed at the surgery by our Practice Nurses.
The Practice also offers the current immunisation program and appropriate catch up programs, e.g. MMR, Meningitis C. Vaccination against whooping cough is also offered to pregnant women and new mothers.

Shingles vaccination is also provided to all patients in accordance to current recommendations.

The Practice offers all ‘at risk’ patients, children and those over 65 the seasonal influenza vaccine from September to January every year and also vaccination against pneumonia throughout the year.

Foreign Travel Health Advice

Our nurses have been trained to provide an up-to-date service that includes advice, vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis if necessary.


Counselling services can be accessed by patients offered by a number of organisations. They can either self-refer or can be referred to specialist services by the GP. Leaflets with the list of services can be obtained from the reception. Bereavement support patient leaflets are also available.

Joint Injections & Minor Surgery

Therapeutic joint injections, minor surgery and cryotherapy are carried out by Dr Nana Oppong.

Services Outside The NHS

Not all services provided at the practice may be covered under the NHS. These services may include; Private certificates, Holiday cancellation certificates, Fitness to travel, BUPA, PPP claim forms, Insurance certificates for continued sickness and Letters (e.g. housing, schools).

The practice will charge a fee for the provision of these services in line with the recommended BMA rates.

Lists of fees are available to view in the reception.